Ethics Policy

Filmymantra’s ethical code is based on the willingness of it being accurate, fair and complete, and for its contributors to act with honesty, transparency, and independence, including independence from conflicts of interest.

Truth and Accuracy
Filmymantra are expected to be as accurate as possible. Getting facts from verifiable sources is the cardinal principle of journalism. Filmymantra always strives for accuracy, provides all the relevant facts available, and ensures that they have been verified. Filmymantra makes it clear when it cannot corroborate certain information.

Each writer has independent voices; Filmymantra does not act, formally or informally, on behalf of special interests, whether political, corporate, or cultural. Independent fact-checking by other employees or actors is always involved in the publication process.
Fairness and Impartiality
Most stories have at least two sides. While there is no obligation to present every side in every piece, stories are balanced and add context. Impartial reporting builds trust and confidence.

What Filmymantra publishes or broadcasts may be offensive to some, but it is aware of the impact of its words and images on the lives of others. Private persons have privacy rights that must be balanced against the public interest in reporting information about them.

A sure sign of professionalism and responsible journalism is the ability to hold oneself accountable. Corrections are published when errors are discovered. Filmymantra listens to the concerns of its audience.

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